Wanstead Butterflies


Green Hairstreak (Callophrys rubi)

While I started birding on the Patch in 2015, I didn’t start properly recording the butterflies I found until 2016. Here is my current patch list which is pretty much all the butterflies that have been seen in recent years. The closest things to omissions are: Wall Brown (on the Patch list but hasn’t been seen for years), and Long-tailed Blue (seen in September 2019 on a nearby street).

1. Peacock
2. Red Admiral
3. Comma
4. Green Hairstreak
5. Orange Tip
6. Holly Blue
7. Common Blue
8. Small Heath
9. Large Skipper
10. Small Skipper
11. Essex Skipper
12. Ringlet (first seen 26 June 2016)
13. Speckled Wood
14. Purple Hairstreak (first seen 10 July 2016)
15. Gatekeeper (first seen 17 July 2016)
16. Painted Lady
17. Marbled White (first seen 17 July 2016)
18. Large White
19. Small White
20. Green-veined White (first seen 17 July 2016)
21. Meadow Brown
22. Small Tortoiseshell
23. Small Copper
24. Brimstone (first seen 23 March 2017)
25. Brown Argus (first seen 5 August 2017)
26. Silver-washed Fritillary (first seen 30 June 2018)
27. White-letter Hairstreak (first seen 7 July 2018)
28. Clouded Yellow (first seen 15 September 2019)